The formerly spirited—and even wild—naval man Horace Greenleigh returns to England having lost his best friend, his health, and two years of his life as a prisoner of war, only to find his childhood sweetheart engaged to another man. And though the promises made to him have been broken, he determines now on keeping his own. He will care for the widow and orphan entrusted to him by his late friend Sebastian Barstow. But his attempt at being a new man meets unexpected obstacles, including the very widow and orphan he is trying to save.
Two years after losing her beloved husband Sebastian, Sarah Barstow has learned to be content with what remains: her young son Bash and a permanent home with her late husband’s lively and affectionate family. But when little Bash falls for the new curate, Sarah wonders if she should follow suit. Certainly he would be a wiser choice than the young man who appears out of nowhere, offering to marry her and claiming Sebastian entrusted her to him! Horace Greenleigh, whom Sarah always thought set such a bad example to her husband and other navy men? Utter nonsense.
But when Greenleigh’s thwarted duty becomes thwarted love, can the belle-passion prove stronger than her prejudice?
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